Friday, December 23, 2005

Last Day!

Finally, it's my last day of work before Christmas! I've been counting down for about two months now, so it should come as no surprise that it has taken ages to arrive!

However, it has arrived and in... 1 hour and 14 minutes I can go home!

Actually, more like one hour as there are only four people here - plus me. Not much reason to hang around.

I am just going to check for any post that may need franking (there won't be any), tidy up my desk (it's tidy) and then make my move I think! It's not like any visitors are going to come today, so I don't really need to be here to answer the door if it rings. There is no post. There are no meetings. There isn't even the slimmest chance of there being anything that I need to be around to do!


Ha ha, just as I finished writing that sentence the doorbell rang... A delivery.

And again! A maintenance man!

Anyway, as I am going to start shutting my computer down in the next twenty minutes in preparation for my long awaited departure (eeek, I'm excited!) I may not have another chance to say Happy Christmas! Eat, Drink and be very merry - it's the time of year for it after all! If there happens to be someone living nearby who may be having a Christmas alone this year invite them round for lunch or drop them a little card and a box of chocolates - it'll make their day (and you'll feel great for it too)!

This is Saint Amy aka Kim, signing out for Christmas.


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