Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Shouldn't laugh but..

We have a real health and safety hazard here. Although it's a bit dangerous it does give me quite a few laughs throughout the course of the day. This occasion was particularly funny!

Just as you come in the main door, I'm sitting on the left and Allen's office is straight ahead. For some reason there is a small (but steep) ramp as soon as you step into the office - and it's carpeted so you really can't see it unless you know its there. I managed to miss it entirely when I came for my interview, although I did trip down it on my way out!

For guests and employees alike, it seems to be about one in twelve that trip up the ramp on their way in. Usually I either pretend not to see or make a comment like "don't worry, it happens to everyone". Once I said "it's ok, I think you got away with it" when a man was looking around to see if his short trip to nowhere had been witnessed. I don't think he appreciated the joke as he did a little cough, straightened his tie but said nothing.

Just now though I couldn't help but laugh out loud. It turned into a belly laugh because I knew I should be restraining it.

A visitor just came in, tripped straight up the ramp, did a couple of falling steps forward, fell into Allen's door (which was closed because his wife was in there), pulled the handle down and opened the door - while on his knees! Just made me laugh. I bet his arm really hurt - he shook it few times as if to loosen it and wiggled his wrist around, apologised to Allen and introduced himself to me.

I said "nice entrance" and luckily, for once, our guest had a sense of humour.


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