Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New boss verdict?

I'm not sure.

My new boss is a 'regular nice guy'. He seemed very up beat and wanted to have a laugh and a joke... Some of which weren't at all funny, but he was trying at least and that didn't go un-noticed!

Luckily for me, he knows quite a few people who work in this office as he has worked in various locations for this great company. I say 'luckily', because it meant that he knew who all the 'tricky' (to put it nicely) people were. He seemed to hate them all for one reason of another, making comments about them that I probably shouldn't repeat! It made me laugh actually, because it just goes to show that those kind of people never change!

So, here is a summary of (what can only loosely be termed) the 'meeting':

1) We discussed, and agreed, on the people that we hate.

2) I told him about the man that shouted at me and he said he needs to discipline him anyway so asked me to put all the facts in writing to him. I haven't started constructing that email yet, but when it's completed it's sure to be a masterpiece!

3) I confessed that I don't do anything at work... Ever!

He laughed.

It took about an hour to get through just that, I don't think that anything was achieved, but it somehow seemed quite constructive - which is odd!

In an attempt to convey an air of professionalism, he was talking about how he would like to introduce an automated booking system for the meeting rooms that we have here...

...Then he realised that if he took that away from me I really would have nothing to do, so he decided that it would be best if we stuck to the manual way instead! I did tell him that I just leave the book open on my desk and allow everyone to book the meetings themselves as I have lost the will to do anything anymore - and filling the book in myself now seems like an inconvenience... But he said that despite that, it does atleast give the impression that I do something uselful!!

He also said that he had seen my CV and could not understand why I am doing this job. Which is strangely nice to hear.

Why am I doing this job again?

At least I won't have to feel bad when I hand my notice in next month. Seems like my new boss understands where I am coming from, so I'm quite happy about that...

Final verdict? Seems ok.


At 12/14/2005 1:19 pm , Blogger roGER said...

"3) I confessed that I don't do anything at work... Ever!"

Hummmmmmm. This may have been 'tactically unsound' Amy...


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