Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Finite Internet

I used to think that the internet was great. Now I'm beginning to think it is a lot smaller than I once imagined. Actually, I think that I have managed to read all of the PG rated pages from cover to cover. If it was a book and it had a prologue at the front and an author's biography at the back, I would have read those too. And the reviews. And the poem on the book mark which the last person who read it had left in there.

I really cannot think of anything to look at.

This morning I have read the news (more than once). I have read the showbiz gossip (numerous times). I have found a Christmas present for my Grandma, and a birthday and Christmas present for my Nan. I have checked my emails 27 times (still no new ones). I have had a look at what weird and wonderful things are being auctioned on eBay (I actually searched for toenails as I've heard some really grotty stuff gets sold on there and I wasn't disappointed...). I have searched for any special deals on Amazon (particularly things I could buy from Jersey as they work out cheaper) and I have planned a whole trip across Italy for March which includes rail passes and hotels...

Now I have officially come to the end. I have turned the last page on the internet and there is nothing left but a dusty cover.

It's only 15:35 and I'm all internetted out. I can't squeeze anything more from it, I've drunk it dry. I need to find something else, other than surfing the net, to take up some time during the day...

...Some work to do would be novel!


At 11/09/2005 4:31 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Stuff on Cats? You can look at that for hours! I just stumbled across your blog but I am going to bookmark you to see if you ever finally find anything to help you pass the time. You made me laugh out loud, so thanks for that! May

At 11/09/2005 4:34 pm , Blogger Amy Knight said...

I am going to take some pictures of my own cats to put on 'Stuff on Cats'. I just have to persuade them to let me put ham on their heads! Thanks for the charming comment!

At 11/10/2005 10:42 am , Blogger roGER said...

Here's a few I really like (how I wish I had time, as you have!):

Belle won an award for her blog last year - well deserved, although doubts persist about her true identity...


Here's some photgraphs by my mate Julian:


Matt Wetherford is the Filthy Critic, who writes funny and foulmouthed film reviews:


And if you really bored, here's my blog which sadly is much less entertaining than yours...

But hey, you are the subject of a recent entry (!)


Thanks for your writing your blog - I read it every day.


- roGER

At 11/10/2005 12:31 pm , Blogger Amy Knight said...

Roger - Even if I had offered to pay you, I wouldn't have expected such kind words!

Not only have you left me a lovely comment to keep my spirits high (which will help me claw through yet another boring day) - you have also supplied me with an entire afternoons reading to help me pass the time!

The comments and the distractions are very much appreciated! Amy


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