Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Orange Trousers

I just spilt a cup of orange juice all over my desk and into my lap. How careless. Now my legs are sticky and my desk has a weird pong... (Now I have orange covered trousers.)

I hurried around to the kitchen to get some paper towels to clean up the mess I had created and I saw two girls huddled over the fridge.

"I must stop stealing things from the fridge" the first thief said.

"I know" the other thief agreed, "but I want juice".

"Well" they continued, "it looks like it's orange juice, orange juice, or orange juice".

Two of those cartons of orange juice are mine. I bought them yesterday in an effort to boost my vitamin C levels (and it tastes nicer than water...). I have put my name on them, (not trusting anyone naturally), but it looks like that's irrelevant. If people want what they see they will take it regardless.

They earn double the amount that I do so they could easily afford their own.

And they'd probably freak if I dunked my apple in their (labeled) Philadelphia cream cheese that's in the same fridge...On the same shelf...

...Yet still they feel it's ok to take my orange juice when they get a taste for it.

I feel like eating one of their mangos. Infact, I might even have sliced mango in a bowl of their Special K breakfast cereal, or muesli, tomorrow. I may wash it down with a glass of their vodka that they keep in the freezer for special occasions.

I wouldn't do that though - because I'm not selfish.

Why didn't I say "touch mine and you die"? Or "please don't drink my juice" Or even "the juice with my name on it is mine"?... Even if they have finished off both cartons (one for each thief) it's kind of my fault because I didn't stop them - despite the fact that I had caught them in the evil act.

My day today is right up there with the really crappy ones. I actually cried earlier but that's another story...


At 11/29/2005 5:21 pm , Blogger roGER said...


Please don't cry.

Without your crap job we wouldn't have your brilliant blog to enjoy!

- roGER

At 11/30/2005 2:45 pm , Blogger Amy Knight said...

Well, I guess that's one way of looking on the bright side! I'm in the middle of creating an email masterpiece to my boss - complaining about the man that drove me to tears. Once i've worked out who my boss actually is (as I presently have no idea...) I will be sending it off with glee! Makes me feel a bit better! Amy


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